Tuesday 15 March 2011

The use of Twitter & Google Docs In the Classroom


The concept of using programs such as Twitter in the classroom was one that I had not given mush thought. The ability of social networking as a teaching tool seems fraught with the dangers of cyber bullying. The concept that Twitter is a community of learners was foreign to me as I have always saw Twitter as a "social networking" celebrity application. David Parry, Professor of Emerging Media at the University of Texas used Twitter within his classes, and stated that “The first thing I noticed when the class started using Twitter was how conversations continued inside and outside of class,”(2008) This concept of using Twitter in a primary setting, would allow for students to collaborate, comment, discuss and develop a greater understanding on a set topic.

        Google Docs has revolutionized the way in which my university studies now occur. As there is a large percentage of group work within the degree Google Docs has allowed me to share and discuss assignment in real time. When combined with other applications such as Skype the level of collaboration is a fantastic example of how effective it would be in the Primary School setting. Students would be able to complete group assignments at home and teachers would be able to work on planning in a more collaborative manner

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